Introduction to Sexuality for All Abilities

Introduction to Sexuality for All Abilities

This blog is created by the authors of Sexuality for All Abilities, a curriculum designed to teach sexuality education to people with developmental disabilities. We work in schools, group homes, with family groups, Special Olympic teams and partner with job sites that employ people with developmental disabilities.

Our Mission is to enhance the quality of life for people of all abilities through empowerment, education, awareness and movement to globally eliminate sexual violence.

İlgili Yayın :Çiçek besleyemiyorsanız ilişkiye hazır değilsiniz!

We are educators and parents who saw the vast discrepancy in access to sexuality education amongst students with disabilities and knew that in order to reduce sexual violence and allow for healthy safe sexual experiences, all of our students needed access to sexuality education.

İlgili Yayın :Sigara ve alkol cinsel hayatı bitiriyor

Our hope is that by creating this blog we can access a wider range of people who are interested in creating equitable access to sexuality education for all people. We also hope to start discussions, raise awareness, share resources and bring focus to the issue of access to sexuality education world wide.

Thanks for joining us on our journey to provide accessible sexuality education for all people!

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