Powerful Recipe That Keep Flu Away During The Whole Season

Powerful Recipe That Keep Flu Away During The Whole Season

Powerful Recipe That Keep Flu Away During The Whole Season - If you are a first-time visitor, please be sure to like us on Facebook and receive our exciting and innovative tutorials on health topics and natural remedies.

Slowly but surely flu enters each of your homes. People fear of possible infection in every moment, because apart from all those health complications, flu stops people from doing their everyday obligations.

The recipe we offer you is not that good in taste, but it will provide an excellent protection.

  • 3 cups fresh orange juice
  • 100 g fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons natural honey
  • 4 garlic heads
  • half a tablespoon turmeric
  • half a tablespoon ground hot pepper
  • 2 tablespoons shredded ginger

The preparation of this homemade remedy is quick and simple. Blend all the ingredients until you get a nice and smooth mixture. Keep the mixture in a bottle and store it in the fridge. Consume a cup of this mixture every morning.

You will feel as if you were consuming a real energy bomb. Regular use of this homemade remedy will help you notice the difference in your health compared to your health condition last year. This recipe is especially beneficial for older people and people with weakened immune system.

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